Hilary McQuaid

  • Raised $200.70
    $1500 goal
  • 24km run
    200km goal

This May, I'm taking on a 31 day challenge in support of CHEO and in memory of my son, Isaac Lundy.

Hi everyone- it's good to be back again for my third year supporting the Million Reasons Run!

My name is Hilary McQuaid and just over six years ago, my infant son Isaac Lundy passed away suddenly. Isaac was the most tender, beautiful, fun-loving child and losing him left a giant hole in my heart, as well as the hearts of everyone around him whose lives he touched. 

In 2021 the Million Reasons Run was launched and first advertised to me on social media. I thought that it was a great way for me to be able to honour Isaac's memory and hopefully raise some money for other children in medical need. I am proud to say that as of today, I have participated in this fundraiser for two previous years and have raised over $5500 for CHEO. 

This year will be the first that I am organizing #TeamIsaac so that Isaac's friends and family can join in and add some km to the count in his memory. I just wanted to thank everyone so very much who has continually supported myself and my family through these hard years. 

Also thank you in advance for any and all donations, kilometres, or well wishes that come in for this wonderful cause! I am in a constant state of gratitude during this time and cannot truly put into words how much all of this means to me. 


Every day, over 5,000 children receive care at a children’s hospital in Canada and by supporting me, you’ll be helping fund life-saving research at your own local children’s hospital (like CHEO, also known as The Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario). Funds for research are needed now more than ever, and your support will allow researchers to uncover new cures and gentler treatments for kids.

I'm running for CHEO


My Run Badges

3-Day Streak
Logged 1st Run
Logged 3rd Run

My Fundraising Badges

Self Donated
Shared My Page
Team Captain
Uploaded Profile Pic
Joined a team
All Star

Thank you to my donors